ABS Automated Business Services Ltd. was founded in 1990. Founder Virginia Will started ABS when she realized that many small businesses were having a difficult time finding knowledgeable bookkeepers.

ABS has since evolved into much more than a bookkeeping service. ABS is a company providing customized operational and business management services. The services we offer often overlap with a number of business needs; Accounting, Financial Management, Human Resources, Business Development, Information Technology (IT), Operations, Space Planning, Administrative streamlining and general business consulting. We bring the expertise needed for operational needs, leaving you to do what you do best in your area of expertise. Our clientele over the years includes many professionals’ doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers all who have specialized needs and many who would prefer to practice within their profession and leave the operations to ABS.

With over 30 years of practical experience, working closely with banks, tax accountants, IT professionals, specialized business development consultants and many other business service providers, ABS has not only established long term relationships which have assisted clients but has also been able to provide a unique customized service to many of our clients.